
Unlocking Self-Sufficiency, Cost Reductions, and Eco-Friendly Hospital Practices

Healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and more, play a pivotal role in public health but are burdened by the management of biomedical and hazardous waste, along with wastewater discharge. This presents both environmental and financial challenges.

Effectively managing medical waste is a costly endeavor, involving special handling, refrigerated transport, and meticulous disposal procedures to mitigate health risks. While autoclaves offer a solution, they come with limitations such as incomplete sterilization, high energy consumption, lack of waste volume reduction, increased waste weight, and restrictions on landfill acceptance.

WPT has innovated a fully automated system that addresses these challenges. Our patented process combines shredding and sterilization, reducing Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) volume by 80% and rendering it harmless and unrecognizable. The treated waste resembles standard municipal waste and can be safely disposed of.

Our medical waste disposal process commences with shredding for optimal steam penetration and contact with the sterilizing agent. We then utilize superheated water at 141°C, without high pressure, to eliminate all microbial life. This efficient and cost-effective procedure transforms contaminated medical materials into benign municipal waste.

WPT systems are 100% ELECTRIC, versatile, capable of handling various types of regulated medical waste as specified in local, state, and federal regulations. They cater to healthcare providers, including private and public hospitals, laboratories, and off-site treatment centers.

In Italy, thanks to The Conversion Law 40/2020 (Article 30 Bis) and subsequent decree-law 76/2020 (Article 63 Bis), healthcare waste with infectious risk, subjected to sterilization as per DPR 254, can be treated as municipal waste. This allows for disposal without incineration and designation for municipal waste collection under code 20 03 01.
